Loeffler Named "Guardian of Small Business' by NFIB

Press Release

Date: Oct. 22, 2020
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Senator Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.) earned the Guardian of Small Business Award from the National Federation of Independent Business in recognition of her strong, pro-small business voting record. Loeffler received a 100% rating on its legislative scorecard. Upon receiving the award, Loeffler released the following statement:

"As a businesswoman, I'm honored to receive this recognition, and I'm even more honored to be a fierce defender of Georgia small businesses," Loeffler said. "Since stepping out of the private sector and coming to the Senate in January, I have advocated for legislation that allows employers to do what they do best: innovate and create jobs. This year, America has seen just how crucial it is to support our job creators, and I'm proud to fight for the policies that help the lifeblood of our economy succeed. President Trump's pro-growth, pro-jobs economic agenda has made a huge difference, and I will continue to empower small businesses amid the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond."

In April, Loeffler released her USA RISE Plan to restore economic opportunity amid COVID-19. As part of the plan, Loeffler introduced legislation to help small businesses recover from the pandemic, including bills to improve the Paycheck Protection Program, expand training for workers, cap unemployment benefits, reduce regulations and protect small businesses and health care providers from lawsuits.

Loeffler, who was named to the President's Opening Up America Again Congressional Group, spent nearly three decades in the private sector, creating jobs and growing small and large businesses.
